
Chalk Stars - Animal Kingdom


【独立摇滚】Animal Kingdom - Chalk Stars   

一首迷人的英伦小调。清淡哀伤的唱腔,清脆嘹亮的吉他声以及主音Richard Sauberlich略带迷幻的嗓音,越听越入味,有种飞翔的惬意。

Animal Kingdom,英伦独立摇滚乐团,由四位成员组成,主音的声线神似Mew。乐队初露锋芒也是因为做过Snow Patrol,The Silversun Pickups,Red Light Company的暖场嘉宾。

《Chalk Stars》

Sometimes, feel I‘m
Floating, floating

I look up, and the sky was
Broken, broken

I woke up, and my hand was

When all you want is a rainbow
And all you get is the rain

I’ll be drawing chalk stars, on a blackboard
Seeing rainbows in a raincloud
Dont you know we all cry, 
Honey, sometime
When the sun goes down
When the sun goes down. 

Dreamt I, was a dark sky
And the dawn was

I woke up, and my heart was
Aching, honey it was aching. 
And so

When all you want is a rainbow
And all you get is the rain

I‘ll be drawing chalk stars, on a blackboard
Seeing rainbows in a raincloud
Dont you know we all cry, 
Honey, sometimes
In the cold light of day. 
Sleeping at the wheel
Sleeping at the wheel. 

